Comin' Out of Nowhere

Written & Sung: J. Stewart

Don't look for heroes in the morning Don't look for heroes in the sun They will come by night right before the light Comin' out of nowhere on the run Listen for the guitar-playin' fire Listen for the horseman on the drum Listen for the sound that'll nail you to the ground Comin' out of nowhere on the run I'm comin' out of nowhere on the run Comin' out of nowhere on the run I'm comin' out of nowhere on the run Comin' out of nowhere on the run I'm comin' out of nowhere on the run And I'm comin' out of nowhere on the run Comin' out of nowhere on the run Comin' out of nowhere on the run Comin' out of nowhere on the run Comin' out of nowhere on the run Comin' out of nowhere on the run


WEBMISTRESS speculates:

I don't know if this song is so much about Lindsey as inspired by him. John Stewart has said that he wrote it after hearing That's Enough For Me off of Tusk, and he was so bowled over by it, that this song is a tribute to it. His words: "It's the only time I've written a song about another song. Lindsey accomplished in songwriting and in record making what I didn't think anyone was going to be able to do again. He came up with a new form. He came up with a combination of ingredients that made something entirely new... I felt it would be neat to write a song telling the folks that the 80s are upon us. It has happened."*

I think that is really cool! John Stewart and Lindsey sure have a mutual admiration society going, writing songs about each other like Liddy Buck and Johnny Stew, but the admiration is well-deserved. I bet Lindsey was thrilled that one of his musical influences thought so highly of him - and the above is high praise indeed. Since Tusk didn't always meet with critical approval, knowing he had the respect of his peers must have gone a long way to take the edge off of Lindsey's disappointment in that area. By the way, I wonder what made That's Enough for Me stand out for John Stewart, since several of Lindsey's tracks on that album incorporate a different sound? Perhaps that one was his favorite. I know it's mine off of that album!


*Got this quote off of Thobe's biography of Stewart on the Penguin.


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