WEBMISTRESS speculates:
When Lindsey performed this song live at AHI 2001, here's what he said about it: "This is written by one of the all time great writers.....You know, Mick and I have been spending a lot of time together recently because Fleetwood Mac is working on a studio album. And I think one of the things that happened was we first learned how to sort of be responsible and take care of yourself and then you can, you know, take care of others and be responsible for them too. And that's what we're doing...we're learning how to do that again.
"That's also what this song is about. This is a song about what it takes to really love someone and not just go through the motion or live, you know, the facade of that. And it's about how tenuous love really is and how precious it is and how important it is that we don't learn to live without it."
Want to speculate about "Love Minus Zero/No Limit"? E-mail me and I'll post your comments.
Say You Will | BN Albums