Parts of Speech according to Angel

The song Angel will help us learn our parts of speech!

After reading the definition, you can find examples highlighted in Angel below

Noun | Pronoun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb

A noun is a person, place, or thing - singer, studio, song.
Plural nouns
are, of course, more than one noun - singers, studios, songs


A pronoun is a special kind of noun. It is a word you can use instead of a noun to keep from repeating yourself. There's only a few of them.
Some of them are used as subjects (usually located at the beginning of the sentence):
I, you, he, she, they, we, it
Others are used as objects (usually located at the end of the sentence):
me, you, him, her, them, us, it

A proper noun is a name, like Stevie or Lindsey.


A verb is a word that shows action or a state of being - sing, dance, bang
Past tense
is that verb in the past - sang, danced, banged
is the form of the verb you use with he/she/it: - sings, dances, bangs
When you add "-ing" to the verb you make it an act that is happening - singing, dancing, banging


A word that "modifies," or describes a noun - sexy, fast, sweet, afraid
He had a sexy smile (sexy describes the smile).


A word that "modifies," or describes a verb.
In English, these words often end in -ly
- sexily, quickly, sweetly, frighteningly.
He was smiling
sexily. (this is not about the smile itself, but the act of smiling, so it's describing a verb, and is therefore an adverb).

However, there are adverbs that do not end in -ly. Two examples: "far" - I had to go far to see Fleetwood Mac live - and "wrong" - The man just got it wrong. Words like these are adverbs because, once again, they are describing the verb.


Angel Examples:

Sometimes The most beautiful things The most innocent things And many of those dreams Pass us by Keep passing me by You feel good I said it's funny that you understood I knew you would When you were good You were very, very good So I close my eyes softly 'Til I become that part of the wind That we all long for sometime, yeah And to those that I love Like a ghost through a fog Like a charmed hour And a haunted song And the angel of my dreams Angel of my dreams....

Fleetwood Mac Libs