WEBMISTRESS speculates:
This song is too cute by half. Ugh. Let's enter it in the Guiness Book of World Records under the heading "Largest number of lame fruit-related puns in one song." Yeah, I know it was a joke. But I also know this song is painful to listen to!
VICTORIA speculates:
Obviously, there's nothing to speculate on here. This is just a really light hearted, fun song with a great sense of humor. If you don't like goofy music, you won't like this song. Personally, I find that this sort of thing (and the Malibooz Rule! LP in general) is very refreshing. As a huge fan of Lindsey Buckingham, I tend to listen to a lot of music that is lyrically very dark (a lot of Walter Egan's solo material is the same way) and sometimes you just need to put something fun into your player!