WEBMISTRESS speculates:
In this song, Lindsey is writing about Mick's tell-all book, My Life and Adventures in Fleetwood Mac. If you've read it, you know that Mick details some events that Lindsey would no doubt like to keep private, and does so with a "tone" that is less than sympathetic to Lindsey. To put it bluntly, he makes Lindsey look like a huge jerk.
Here we have Lindsey's reponse to that. He's criticizing Mick for telling everybody "how everything went wrong" in Fleetwood Mac in order to get money - making the book as sensational as possible in order to sell as many as he can. And Mick needs the money because, unfortunately, he seems to have trouble holding onto his savings. No wonder the "advance was spent some time ago." Thus, Mick, in his efforts to get some more cash flow, throws in lots of spicy tidbits about the conflicts in Fleetwood Mac in order to increase the public's appetite for his book, maximizing profits! Mick is the rockcock who "got it wrong."
Lindsey is pretty disgusted with the whole thing - Mick trying to capitalize on "another piece of glitz." He feels like Mick's invasion of his privacy is like someone "looking in the keyhole." The "piggy in the middle" reference is obvious if you've bought Mick's book; that's the name of the chapter dealing with Stevie and Lindsey's breakup and Mick and Stevie's affair. I guess that makes Mick the "piggy on the cover" of the book! When confronted about all this, Mick "ain't got no answer" - he's just "got it wrong." By the way, Lindsey has obviously mended fences with Mick, saying that he's "matured." And he is a great drum player to invite to work on your album!
KEN speculates:
There was a nasty television show during the 80's titled "Puttin On The Hits" Mick was a panelist on one of the shows. It was awful ...but I am sure that the line in "Wrong" refers to Lindsay seeing Mick on the show.