I've Loved and I've Lost and I'm Sad but Not Blue

Written by S. Nicks

 I've loved and I've lost and I'm sad but not blue I once loved a boy who was wonderful and true But he loved another before he loved me And I knew he still wanted her, it was easy to see


WEBMISTRESS speculates:

This is the first song Stevie ever wrote, the day she got her guitar on her sixteenth birthday. She says: "It was actually a very nice little guitar song...But it was silly, I was only sixteen, it was my sixteenth birthday....And I was, y'know, recovering from my first, like, incredible (I thought) love affair, y'know. I was crazy about this very popular kid in school and he actually looked at me a couple of times so I wrote this song. And it was all over nothing, it never happened, and it was just this whole thing I made up, y'know. And I realized right away that I could write songs because I could have experiences without even having them, by just singing about 'em!"


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