WEBMISTRESS speculates:
This is a cover of an old song but with some interesting differences. First off, the tempo. This one is much softer and slower than the original, giving it a much more melancholy feel. This matches the other change, which is in the lyrics. In the original, the verses are: "Now that she is gone/You won't feel bad for long/For maybe just an hour or just a moment of the day....You think you'll have a ball/And you won't hurt at all/You'll find another girl or maybe more to pass the time away." You get the idea that the singer cut his woman loose so he could be a big player and then found out the swingin' single life isn't so hot! So he goes out to find her and correct his mistake.
That isn't the impression in Lindsey's version, however. He's feeling "sad," and forget having a ball! Instead, it seems he's simply trying to buck himself up by telling himself there's other fish in the sea...but it's not working. He still misses her, and he can't shake the misery that's descended "now that she has gone." All he wants is to find her, to have her back again. This version tugs at the heartstrings. The original just inspires the response "Serves you right, buddy!"
Now, one last note: I can't help thinking of the line from Stevie's Blue Denim that says "blue-grey eyes, they change with the color"...perhaps sadness takes the light out of his eyes (like in What's the World Coming To) and makes them seem to change colors, less blue and more grey. If that's the case, then this song fits like a glove.