WEBMISTRESS speculates:
The phrase "Not all the king's horses and all the king's men / Put it back together again" is also in Fall From Grace. In that song, I believe she's referring to her relationship with Lindsey, and I don't think it's a stretch to say this song is about Lindsey, too. Further evidence that this song is about Lindsey is the specific mentioning of eyes, because Stevie has said again and again how much she loved Lindsey's eyes in songs like Blue Denim.
In that context, the contradictions in the song make more sense. She has conflicting feelings about the end of the relationship: she grieves that it's over even though she's the one that initiated the breakup. She doesn't want to be attached to him, she doesn't want him to "come after" her, but the truth is she still feels attached to him anyway, she still feels "in need" of him when she gets lonely and she still wants him to "send [her] love." No wonder Lindsey was confused! She's confused, too, about her own feelings. She doesn't know "if it's wrong, or if it's right." She cherishes the love they had...she doesn't want to forget it, "never 'til the day I die," and she's sorry she hurt him. However, she knows it's impossible for it to work - it's doomed. Nothing could "put it back together" - just like nothing could save Humpty Dumpty! And she has to keep telling herself that - so that maybe one day she can "forget [his] eyes."