WEBMISTRESS speculates:
This is such a pretty song! Too bad it's unreleased. She's in love with a man who has been with her a long time; he was a "perfect soulmate"; he called her angel (as in Goodbye Angel), and he adored her. I think I can say with confidence that she is talking about Lindsey!\ In the second verse, she talks about how she was unable to stay because it shattered her heart, just like a "china doll." And yet, the love is still there. In the next verse, she obviously still wants him to hold her, to be there for her. And how about this line: "He made love to me, with his eyes especially" - wow, now that's romantic. And we all know how Stevie loves those eyes (see Blue Denim, among others). Then there's the end: here she is back with him, she's "found a place" with someone who adores her, she's "going home." This time, she's going to try harder to "love him more than anything," because she knows this love is true, to be a tad corny. Kind of sad considering the reality, where they had to go their separate ways.